APU_COVID-19 Coronavirus Update

19th January 2021

Covid-19 is still around and is unpredictable. The WHO has reported numerous variants of the strain which have an even higher rate of contagion.
As well as a legal obligation, APU has a moral and social responsibility to do what is right for its members, and the community, and what is effective for our sport.
The APU board has a broad mix of directors from different backgrounds. This has benefited us greatly to understand a variety of concerns and issues to be considered.
At all APU events, the following rules are effective “as a minimum standard” immediately:
• All persons, including spectators who participate in any way at APU competitions and championships are to properly register on the APU Covid-19 register.
• In all APU competitions and championships, face masks are to be worn at all times by competition referees, and competition spotters and loaders at times while they are performing their duties.
• In all APU competitions and championships warm-up areas, face masks are to be worn during times that 1.5m distance can not be guaranteed by coaches, and whenever spotters and loaders are within 1.5m including while spotting lifters.
Further rules required by the State Government, APU, and Venue requirements will also be engaged.
We thank you for your support and welcome you back to the platform.
Yours in Strength,
Sean Muir on behalf of the APU board

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